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DM01 Learn 10 Low Cost Ways To Buy A House

10 Low Cost Ways To Buy A House

Hi. This is Ken & Mike the Subto Guys. We’ve had a lot of requests to do monthly payments on Subto Training/Coaching. And we looked at each other and said “sure, why not”.

Special: If this is of interest to you, we have put together an introductory plan. Ask about split payments.

All bought using SubTo with little down & many, many more – you can too

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View of the McDowell Mountains
Creative! Safe, Secure, Cash Flow

Learn 10 Low Cost Ways To Buy A House.

  • 1. Subject To (Subto) (Take over the mortgage & own the property)
  • 2. Land Contract (deed transfers when last payment is made)
  • 3. Wrap (seller sells with mortgage that mirrors their mortgage
  • 4. Wholesale (buy below market value)
  • 5. Abandoned/Zombie /Neglected (buying properties “off market” that others don’t know about, cheaply
  • 6. Seller Financing (Seller becomes your bank)
  • 7. Lease Option (Test the property before you buy)
  • 8. Foreclosures/Probate /Distressed (Buying properties at a discount below market)
  • 9. Assumption (taking over the loan of a specific property)
  • 10. Joint Venture with seller or investor (buy with a partner to cut costs and risk)

For best results stay consistent in the program, but if life changes force you to miss a month or two, you can pick up where you left off when things permit. 

It gives people an opportunity to see that what we do is real and to get to know us and to understand how to make money doing Subto. 

If you want to start on this program, give us your email address so we can send you an outline and you can see if this plan is for you. We look forward to making you successful You’ve seen our stuff on Bigger Pockets at and  now get us live and get trained for the next breakthrough for you!

I want to talk about Creative Finance

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All bought using Subject To and little down & many, many more – you can too

View of the McDowell Mountains
Creative! Safe, Secure, Cash Flow

When someone says “I need time to think this over” it means they haven’t fully had their questions answered. You know that. You obviously have the interest and the skill set necessary to be successful or you wouldn’t be here

So, is it a question of how much work is involved? I’ve written a new post that may make sense to you at 

Make 2024 the Success that 2023 Wasn’t, 5 Things You Need to Do Now

Time is fleeting and I understand the pressures, as I was fully engaged in activities/family at your age.  I had to make a decision to get started to get to where I am now.  Because of the way real estate and inflation work, It’s just going to get harder for those who don’t begin. Let me know what your questions are, I’m sure they are legitimate. But, you need to know for yourself, if this is for you or not.

Fence sitting doesn’t get you ahead. And being ahead, is a whole lot better than not. 

Free Consult with the Sub To Guys

You will buy “off market”, below cost, You will get instant equity, and sell as Lease Option getting a down payment (instant cash), You will get cash flow, principal paydown, tax write offs and You will get a big chunk of cash when the optionee refinances. This takes training and some money, (IRA or 401(k) but boy does it pay off!! And We Will Teach You How!

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These are the numbers from a recent Purchase I made using Subject To. I took over the loan of $118,145. The ARV of the Property was $245,000

Spreadsheet Starts Here
Buying The Property Subject To

These are the numbers from a recent Purchase I made using Subject To. I took over the loan of $118,145. The ARV of the Property was $245,000

Here is the HUD closing Statement Totals

Here is the HUD closing Statement Totals

Bringing the Loan Current

Seler was in foreclosure annd 11 months behind on payments. There are also late fees and legal fees.

Add In Other Liens

There was a lien from a previous Loan Modification. Sometimes there are other liens like medical, taxa and remodeling.

Now We Total Our Costs To Purchase

Now We Total Our Costs To Purchase – So, our out of Pocket costs are $35,817

Buying Using Subject To

Buying Using Subject To

Equity Amount

Buying Using Subject To

Monthly Costs

Buying Using Subject To

Number of Months

Buying Using Subject To

Spreadsheet Starts Here
Selling the Property on Lease / Option

This is the sale of the Property using Lease / Option. The ARV of the Property was $245,000, my cost was a total of $153,962 of which $118,145 for taking over the mortgage and the difference is itemized below.

We Bump up the Option Price

We Bump up the Option Price because the buyer doesn’t have to qualify at the bank and that adds value to him.

Amount out of pocket

I get the Option fee of 10% which is $26,950 and I can use that to tarel or buy another property of pay bills.

So Now We Figure How Much Cash Flow

So Now We Figure How Much Cash Flow. The monthly cost of holding the property.

The Lease Optioner Pays all Maintenance and Repairs

The Lease Optioner Pays all Maintenance and Repairs

We Set Rent A Little Above Market

We Set Rent A Little Above Market Since the Lease Optioner Has A Benefit of Easily Buying A Property

No Cap Ex, Utiltiies / No Prop Mgr

Selliing Using Lease Option

Selliing Using Lease Option

Selliing Using Lease Option

Cash Out Profit $126,904

Selliing Using Lease Option

Sub To /Lease Option

Total Profit $133,210       
Total Invested $8,867 with $133,210  Returned Profit by investing in “Subject To” Purchase

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These were bought using Subject To as well